There are several varieties of jackfruit that are suitable for cultivation in Bangladesh. Here are some of the popular varieties:
- Bari Kathi: This is a popular variety of jackfruit in Bangladesh, known for its large size and sweet flavor. The fruit can weigh up to 40 kg and is rich in nutrients.
- Black Gold: This is a newer variety of jackfruit that is gaining popularity in Bangladesh. The fruit is smaller than other varieties but has a sweet and flavorful flesh.
- NS1: This is a high-yielding variety of jackfruit that produces large, sweet fruit. The variety is resistant to pests and diseases and is well-suited for cultivation in Bangladesh.
- Muktakeshi: This is a traditional variety of jackfruit that is known for its sweet and aromatic flavor. The fruit is medium-sized and has a thin rind.
- Golapi: This is a popular variety of jackfruit in Bangladesh, known for its pinkish-yellow flesh and sweet flavor. The fruit is medium-sized and has a thick rind.
When selecting a variety for cultivation, it is important to consider factors such as climate, soil type, and local market demand. Farmers in Bangladesh may also choose to cultivate multiple varieties to ensure a steady supply of fruit throughout the year.