IPS (Inverter Power Supply) with Lithium Battery

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IPS (Inverter Power Supply) is a device that converts direct current (DC) electricity into alternating current (AC) electricity. It is commonly used in various applications, including uninterruptible power supplies (UPS), solar power systems and electric vehicle charging.

The main purpose of an IPS is to provide a stable and reliable source of AC power from a DC source, such as batteries or solar panels. It works by taking the DC input and using electronic circuitry to convert it into a high-frequency AC output. This AC output can then be used to power devices that require AC electricity, such as household appliances, electronic devices or industrial equipment.

IPS systems are often used as backup power solutions to provide uninterrupted power during blackouts or power outages. They can also be used in off-grid scenarios where there is no access to the traditional power grid. IPS technology has become increasingly popular due to the rise in renewable energy sources and the need for efficient power conversion in various industries.

To create an IPS (Inverter Power Supply) system using a lithium battery to power three fans and four lights in Bangladesh, you will need the following components and steps:


  1. Lithium battery pack with sufficient capacity to power your fans and lights.
  2. Power inverter with the appropriate rating to convert DC power from the battery to AC power.
  3. Charge controller to manage the charging of the lithium battery from the mains power supply or solar panels.
  4. Solar panels (optional) if you want to use solar power to charge the battery.
  5. Wiring and connectors.
  6. Switches, circuit breakers, and fuses for safety and control.

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10 (Ten) Steps:

  1. Calculate your power requirements: Determine the power consumption of each fan and light in watts. Multiply the power consumption by the desired runtime to estimate the total energy required. This will help you determine the battery capacity you need.
  2. Select a lithium battery pack: Based on your power requirement calculation, choose a lithium battery pack with enough capacity to provide the desired runtime. Ensure that the battery voltage matches the input voltage of your inverter.
  3. Choose a power inverter: Select an inverter with sufficient wattage to handle the combined power consumption of your fans and lights. Make sure it can convert the DC power from the battery to AC power suitable for your appliances.
  4. Install the charge controller: Connect the charge controller to the mains power supply. The charge controller will regulate the charging of the battery and protect it from overcharging or discharging.
  5. Connect the battery to the charge controller: Wire the lithium battery to the charge controller, following the manufacturer’s instructions. Ensure proper polarity and use appropriate gauge wires.
  6. Install the inverter: Connect the output of the inverter to the distribution panel or wiring that will power your fans and lights. Follow the inverter’s manual for correct installation and safety measures.
  7. Connect the fans and lights: Wire the fans and lights to the distribution panel, which is connected to the output of the inverter. Use appropriate wiring and connectors.
  8. Test the system: Turn on the inverter and ensure that the fans and lights are working correctly. Check the runtime and make adjustments if needed.
  9. Optional: If you want to use solar power to charge the battery, install solar panels and connect them to the charge controller. This will allow you to harness renewable energy to charge the battery during the day.
  10. Ensure safety: Install appropriate switches, circuit breakers, and fuses to protect the system and prevent any electrical hazards.

It is crucial to consult with a professional electrician or technician to ensure proper installation and adherence to local electrical regulations. Safety precautions should be followed at all times when working with electricity.